
DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is a naturally-occurring nutrient that improves the synthesis of acetylcholine (ACH) in the brain. DMAE is a nutrient known to enhance the life of cells and improve the overall tone and firmness of the skin. This is accomplished because DMAE encourages the cross linking of proteins.

Historical Uses of DMAE

DMAE is widely used as a nutritional supplement to enhance focus, memory, and acetylcholine - the "feel good" neurotransmitter. DMEA is believed to have properties similar to amphetamines, so it's historically been used as a sort of "brain food." Its positive effect on brain activity was discovered around 1960 and it has become quite popular in Europe.

DMAE's Effectiveness in Stretch Mark Cream

DMAE is marketed is available in a lotion that is generally found in drug stores and cosmetic shops. The cream is believed to enhance the appearance of age spots and sagging skin. Some even report that DMEA provides a temporary tightening of the skin which diminishes wrinkles and fine lines, but its effectiveness in stretch mark removal is undetermined.

Safety of DMAE

The verdict is still out on the safety and effectiveness of DMAE as an ingredient for stretch mark cream. While DMAE is found naturally in different types of fish like pilchards, sardines, and salmon the format in which it naturally occurs in the brain can't really be found, despite the numerous synthetic substances on the market.

DMAE: Final Word

Over the years, some studies have shown that DMAE acts as an antioxidant by protecting cell membranes from free radical damage and providing stabilization. However, one double blind, placebo-controlled study found that 27 patients with severe Alzheimer's disease did not show any significant benefits as a result of using DMEA. For this reason, the overall effectiveness of DMEA is in question and one would do well to research this substance before incorporating it into a skin care regimen for preventing stretch marks.